If You Want to E-Sign Your Loan Agreement
See our guidance note: How to e-Sign your Loan Agreement
If You Have E-Signed Your Loan Agreement
Thank you for signing your Loan Agreement using our e-signature service.
What happens next?
There is no need to call us. We will now prepare your loan payment ready to send it to your nominated bank account. If there are any problems confirming the details for the payment we will contact you on the mobile number you have provided.
If you have not already done so, you need to make arrangements to repay your loan. For most members this will be by transferring a benefit payment to us, or by setting up or amending a bank standing order in favour of our bank account.
Always quote your member number and initials as the reference on any regular or one-off repayments from your bank, so that we know the funds are for your account.
Please set up your loan repayment promptly and in line with what has been agreed.
When will you receive the funds?
Where a loan has been signed and payment details confirmed prior to 1pm on a weekday we will aim to send payments on the same day between 3pm and 5pm.
However, we are not able to guarantee same day payments. If your payment is not sent on the same day, we will send it on the next working day (Monday to Thursday) or on the following Monday for loans signed on Friday or during the weekend. If the following Monday is a public holiday, we will send the payment on the next working day after that.
We are not able to send payments at weekends or on English public holidays.
How do I find my Loan Agreement?
You will receive a copy of your e-signed Loan Agreement sent to the same email as the documents that you have already signed. The loan details are contained within a digitally signed attachment embedded inside the PDF attachment to the contract email.
See our guidance note: How to find your e-Signed Loan Agreement
For more information about the RPost service we use, known as RMail, see: https://support.rpost.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024579773-RMail-for-Beginners-FAQs
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Lewisham + Bromley Credit Union Limited is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and is Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm reference number 213588. Credit Union Registration Number 295C (IP00295C at Companies House).